
Why I'm short TWITTER (TWTR)

  (Shutterstock)   - Summary - Decline in US user growth makes this a precarious investment. Twitter faces serious claims it benefited from sex trafficking. New monetization plans are going to be hit or miss. Current valuation assumes continued revenue growth at unrealistic expectations. The entire market is due for a correction and the tech sector could be hard-hit. Overview Twitter (NYSE: TWTR ) has historically performed poorly as a stock in relation to the broader market and big tech, until last March and the pandemic bull run when it took off from the mid $20's to the mid $60's price it hovers at today. While catalysts such as strong quarterly earnings results and new monetization initiatives are valid, the outlook going forward is tilted towards more risk than reward.  Investment Thesis User Decline in US Average U.S. daily active users were down about 1 million to 37 million from 38 million for the quarterly period. As reopening trends continue, TWTR and other popular s

What are they smoking on Bay Street? Cannabis Stocks.

  (Shutterstock) A pipe dream?  Cannabis investors in Canada had their dreamy eyes set on pies in the sky since back in 2018 when the Canadian marijuana market was setting its roots. Earnings results have largely missed the mark across the board and some legal Canadian producers seem to be struggling to remain an ongoing concern at these levels of burning cash. Across the border, our American neighbors were similarly bullish over cannabis stocks in the follow-up to the 2020 election when Democrats gained control. President Biden has actually made very limited progress on cannabis reform and US-based stocks have underperformed as a result. On first look, these early results haven't been promising. Our view is that this is because the market potential has yet to be properly realized. The cannabis market is expected to be worth over $73 billion by 2027. This means investors can still get in on this cash crop relatively early. Cannabis Stocks - They aren't created equal. Cannabis

When there's blood in the streets after the earnings beat, we put on our BUY cleats (TME)

(James Hardy/Getty Images)                             STRONG BUY  We are rating TME (Tencent Music Entertainment) a STRONG BUY, after last night's earnings call. The share price has dropped even further than the epic descent it has been on as of late, which I covered in my recent article ' The Great Collapse Won't be Their End '. In addition to the bullish sentiment we expressed in that article, the price has decreased over another 20% in the light of the fact that as Reuters puts it ' Tencent Music takes copyright rules in stride, earnings beat estimates '.  This company continues to profit and continues to beat estimates. Yet, the streets are bloody, and we know this means it's time to BUY. We don't want to ignore the effect of the recent Chinese regulations. Our thesis is that those effects are priced into these shares at prices significantly above the current levels. We feel so confident in our analysis of this position that we have decided to put

How to create Income with Options

(Shutterstock) The Basics* (If you already understand the basics of options, skip to the next section, "Selling vs Buying" ) What are Call Options? A call option contract gives the owner the right, but not an obligation, to buy 100 shares of a stock at a fixed price, referred to as the "strike price", on or before the expiration date of the option. For example, let's say you bought a September call option with a $10 strike. If the stock price reaches $15 before the expiration date (September 17th, 3rd Friday),  then you would have profited $500 which is $100 for each $1 increase in the underlying stock.  A holder of a call option has several methods available to close the trade. If the option is in profit; they can sell the option at a profit or hold to expiry and exercise the call option and buy the 100 shares at the strike price.  If the option isn't profitable; they can sell the option for a loss before expiration or hold and let the option expire worthle

Should I use a VPN to buy Crypto?

(Shutterstock) Maximizing Privacy and Security When Buying Bitcoin and other Crypto: The Importance of Using a VPN In the world of crypto-currency, privacy and security are crucial considerations for traders and investors alike. As a result, many users of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies may wonder whether or not they should use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) when buying and trading their assets. The answer, quite simply, is yes. There are several compelling reasons why using a VPN is a vital part of any comprehensive security setup for anyone involved in the crypto-sphere. From enhancing anonymity to adding an extra layer of protection against malware and phishing attacks, the benefits of using a VPN cannot be overstated. Anonymity and Security: The Cornerstone of Crypto When Satoshi Nakamoto first introduced Bitcoin, the goal was to create a decentralized digital currency that allowed users to send and receive funds anonymously. While that vision has since been challenged by Know

The Great Collapse Won't Be Their End. Tencent Is Poised To Rise Again.

(Spencer Platt/Getty Images News) - Summary - The TME share price overreacted to news of sanctions against it. After what happened to DIDI, Chinese crackdown worst-case scenarios were already priced in. The delisting narrative that instigated a lower price a few weeks ago has calmed down. TME is oversold in the midst of not yet recovering from a massive discount in share price which stems from the collapse of Archegos Capital Management in March 2021.   The company is driving shareholder value with an aggressive $1 Billion Stock Re-Purchase Program.   20% stake in Universal Music Group has big potential for payoff. Intro In our view, Tencent Music Entertainment (NYSE: TME ) remains one of the most undervalued Chinese listed companies on the New York Stock Exchange. In this article, we will detail why we think this stock is currently trading under its fair value and how upcoming developments, particularly the 20% stake in Universal Music Group, has the potential to support considerable