Young people: Don't Dispose your Disposable Income - The magic of compound interest


Young woman with shopping bags

Young people: Don't Dispose your Disposable Income - The magic of compound interest

Welcome, young people! Are you ready to unlock the secrets to financial success and make your money work for you? In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of spending. From trendy gadgets and fashion must-haves to dining out with friends, disposable income seems to slip away faster than we can keep track. But what if I told you there was a way to make that money grow, effortlessly multiplying over time? That's right – we're about to dive into the enchanting realm of compound interest and reveal where you can start growing your hard-earned cash. So grab a cup of coffee (or whatever sparks joy for you), sit back, and let's embark on this journey towards financial empowerment together!

Consooming. Stop wasting your money on frivolous expense.

Picture this: you stroll into your favorite store, eyes twinkling with anticipation. The shelves are lined with the latest gadgets, fashionable clothes, and enticing trinkets that promise to elevate your lifestyle. Your heart skips a beat as you imagine how these items will bring joy and satisfaction to your life. Without much thought, you reach for your wallet and hand over your hard-earned cash.

But pause for a moment and ask yourself: do these purchases truly bring lasting happiness? Are they worth sacrificing the potential growth of our disposable income? It's time to break free from the cycle of "consooming" – mindlessly consuming without considering the long-term impact on our financial well-being.

By reevaluating our spending habits and redirecting our disposable income towards more meaningful endeavors, we can unlock a world of possibilities. Instead of splurging on temporary pleasures, why not invest in experiences that enrich our lives or contribute to future goals?

It's important to remember that every dollar spent unnecessarily is an opportunity lost for compound interest to work its magic. By harnessing its power through smart investment choices, we can watch our money grow exponentially over time.

So let's shift gears from instant gratification to long-term prosperity. Take a moment before each purchase to consider if it aligns with your values and financial goals. Will this item enhance your life in a significant way? Is there another use for those funds that could yield greater returns down the road?

In this era where consumerism reigns supreme, it takes courage and discipline to resist frivolous expenses. However, by being mindful about how we utilize our disposable income today, we set ourselves up for a brighter tomorrow – one where financial freedom becomes within reach.

Remember: every penny saved today is an investment in building wealth for the future. So let's break free from mindless "consooming" and embrace the potential of compound interest. 

The magic of compound interest

Have you ever heard about the magic of compound interest? It's a powerful concept that can make your money grow exponentially over time. Compound interest is like a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering more and more momentum as it goes.

Here's how it works: when you invest your money, whether it's in stocks, bonds, or even a savings account, you earn interest on your initial investment. But here's the magical part - with compound interest, you also earn interest on the accumulated interest from previous periods.

Let me give you an example to illustrate this point. Say you invest $1,000 at an annual interest rate of 5%. After one year, your investment will be worth $1,050. But instead of just earning another $50 in the second year (5% of $1,000), with compound interest, you'll earn 5% on the total amount including the previous year's earnings - so now your investment grows to $1,102.50. Now lets say you start with $1,000 and you contribute an additional $500 in savings throughout the year, each year for 10 years and you grow it at 5%, your initial $1,000 and $5,000 in contributions will be worth $7,970 thanks to the interest compounding. If you can increase your savings, it will always have an exponential effect the further out you go on the timeline.  

Over time, this compounding effect becomes incredibly powerful. The longer you leave your money invested and growing through compound interest, the greater it will become. That’s why starting early is key – even small amounts can turn into significant sums over time.

Understanding the magic of compound interest is key to maximizing your financial potential. By beginning to save early and investing in high-yield savings accounts, you can build up a sizable nest egg that will grow over time - with the potential to provide long-term stability and security.

Where to grow your money?

So where should young people put their disposable income to benefit from compound interest? There are various options available depending on individual risk tolerance and financial goals:

In this age of instant gratification and constant consumerism, it is crucial for young people to understand the value of their disposable income. By taking the time to educate ourselves about financial literacy and the power of compound interest, we can make smarter decisions about how we use our money.

But where should we put our hard-earned cash? There are several options available for growing your money:

1. High-Interest Savings Accounts: One of the simplest ways to start saving is by opening a savings account at a bank or credit union. While the interest rates may not be very high, it's a safe and accessible way to store your money while earning some modest returns. For Canadians, the best option I have found for idle cash with the highest non-promotional interest rate is Interactive Brokers, who pays 4.83% on cash sitting in your brokerage account. 

2. Stock Market: Investing in stocks can be an excellent way to grow your wealth over time if done wisely. If you start accumulating stocks when you are young, you set yourself to be very wealthy in the future. Most young people would be better off going with option 4 and investing in an Index Fund ETF as opposed to trying to pick individual stocks. Though, if you put the work in and you prefer to micro-manage your own holdings, it can be a very rewarding and educational experience that pays real dividends. Again, we recommend Interactive Brokers, for this. Use our link and you'll be get rewarded with up to $1000 USD in IBKR stock. 

3. Precious Metals: 
Gold and silver have been a safe-haven investment for centuries. While the returns on these investments may be more volatile than stocks, they provide some stability to your portfolio in times of economic uncertainty and protect against rising inflation. While often lacking the compounding characteristic of earning interest, stacking physical metals should be considered as an important tool in preserving wealth. The best place to buy physical metals in Canada is the Royal Canadian Mint

4. Peer-to-Peer Lending: Peer-to-peer lending platforms allow you to lend money directly to individuals or businesses and collect interest on the loan. This type of investing provides higher yields than savings accounts but carries higher risks as well, so it's important to research the platform and borrowers before investing your funds. One popular option is LendingLoop

5. Mutual Funds and ETF's: For those who want exposure to various asset classes without having to pick individual stocks themselves, mutual funds can be an attractive option. They pool together investors' money into diversified portfolios managed by professionals. Exchange-Traded Funds can be a very effective way to grow capital. If you take nothing else from this article and just invested your monthly savings (income in excess of budget expense) into an ETF that tracks the TSX like Horizons S&P/TSX 60™ Index ETF than you would have literally set yourself up for life. Set up your portfolio with Interactive Brokers for the lowest fees available in Canada. 

6. RRSP: Registered Retirement Savings Plan. It's never too early to start planning for retirement! Contributing regularly to an RRSP allows your money to grow tax-free until withdrawal during retirement years. The best part is that you can write off the contributions from your current income to reduce your tax paid and increase your tax refund. WealthSimple is a popular option that we support. 

7. TFSA: Tax-Free Savings Account. If you haven't yet, then you should consider opening a TFSA. Unlike the RRSP, contributions to a TFSA are not deductible against your current income but all the growth and income generated within a TFSA is tax-free for life. Contributions are also flexible, with any unused contribution room being carried forward each year. This is a great way to benefit from compound interest and multiply your savings without having to part with any of it to the Canadian Revenue Agency. TFSA is a wonderful thing. One of the features is that you can use your TFSA in high interest savings or in stocks and other investments. WealthSimple is a popular option that we support. 

To compare whether the RRSP or TFSA is right for you, view our comprehensive comparison

8. FHSA: First Home Savings Account.  If you’re looking to buy your first home, the First Home Savings Account (FHSA) can be an attractive option. The FHSA allows you to save up to $50,000 for the purchase of a first home, and all withdrawals are tax-free. Contributions into this account are also eligible for a 25% government grant (up to $5,000).

9. Crypto-Currency: Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses cryptography to secure transactions. It has been gaining popularity in recent years as an alternative investment option, and although it can be quite volatile, it may offer attractive returns for those willing to take the risks. As young people, you may have an appetite for more risk and in that case you could take a portion of your savings and speculate in the Crypto market. Use our promo code AKAzRVsAG3uATanQ on SimpleSwap and get $50 in BTC. 

No matter what option you choose, it is important to research your options, create a budget and stick to it, and remember that compounding interest can help you grow your money over time. Whether you are looking for short-term gains or longer-term wealth building, there are plenty of options available for young people looking to invest their disposable income wisely.

By taking advantage of compound interest and exploring different options for growing your money, you can start building a secure financial future today and set yourself up for success in the years ahead.

Choosing where to grow your money depends on factors such as risk tolerance, investment goals, and timeframe. It's essential always carefully weigh these factors before making any investment decisions.

By teaching young people about financial education and exposing them early on to concepts like disposable income management and compound interest growth potential, we empower them with valuable knowledge for a brighter financial future.
So, how about you step away from mindless consumerism and start investing in your future by taking advantage of the various options available to grow your money. Your future self will thank you for it.

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